HOW we do it?
a networking artist pool
creative camera, light & digital operators
exchange and support each other in:
-commercial jobs
-free editorials
-personal projects and tests
with :
-manpower and now how
-new and easy workflow and digital solutions
-camera and light and equipment
Minimize expenses to maximize quality
means to us
fair rates, less stress, more time.
creative recruitment:
Camera Department:
Photo/ Video/ Steady/ Water/ Drone,
Light and Digital Operators, Directors
Production Department:
Producers, Runners, Drivers
in cooperation with -Bigshrimp (Hamburg/Berlin) & -CUT (Canarys, Mediterrain, Portugal)
Models, Actors (with special Skills)
Styling Department:
Styling, Hair, Makeup, Set Design, Set Construction
Editing, Grading, Retouching, 3D Rendering
Personal or Rental
Eliminate obsolete operations for a brighter & smoother photo and video production by taking advantage of new technologies due to experience, involve less middleman, agencys and ballast for keeping the workflow simple, people calm, hierarchy low, quality high, the environment friendly and rates fair - let's go!
Representing personal photo and video art projects on an independent medium in form of an on/offline magazine focusing on the newest ways of digital communication. Connecting via website, social-media and exhibitions producing limited and exclusive prints / NFTs by a selected pool for and by artists working in the media industry.
The artist can upload his material into the cloud/network where it can be selected for publication by the community. The publication will spread on
-SM Channels
linked to the
-Website Online Gallery
and the best works will be saved for limited publications like
and displayed in an exclusive exponation.
Getting together for a new media network. Reaching a bigger and better audience together with self-administered art release for a better future.


a private messanger/social network with dashboards for
internal communication of artists/ambassadores/members
by posting:
-commercial jobs
-free editorials
-personal projekts and tests
looking for:
members log in:
-equitment to rent
on a private open source application
Hosted by
HUMHUB Mastrodon

for a easier workflow on set and after
clients can upload informations like call-sheets, timings, guidelines easy and freelancers can add everything else including the final product on a modern surface. All in one place, it is much more easy to up/download and more clear/quik to share informations (also via chat or video life call). Without (or with the minimum) third party software to maximize security.
Hosted by
MANITOU / ALTERNATIVE / Self-Administered